Strategies for Video File Replication based on Multiple Video Popularity Models

C.-K. Chan, T.-P.J. To, and C.-K. Li (PRC)


Video on Demand, file replication, popularity.


Fast Internet access technology (ADSL and VDSL) and the coming 3G mobile communication system of high data bandwidth capacity highly facilitate multimedia traffic demands by people. However, there are comparatively little technological advancements in the storage system, the essential part of VoD system. Disk array seems to be the most cost effective choice when I/O Bandwidths, disk space cost and scalability are all considered. The central question is how to offer more concurrent accesses to the videos(especially the popular ones) with the QoS requirements satisfied. In this paper, two replication algorithms are developed and evaluated. The system is modeled and evaluated by a SIMSCRIPT II simulation program. The results illustrate that the two algorithms successfully manage disk resources to support more concurrent video stream.

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