Distance Learning using a Digital Library: The GROW-NCERL Project

M. Budhu (USA)


Digital library, interactivity, learning objects, simulation,visualization


The US National Science Foundation is creating a National Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Digital Library (NSDL). One of the libraries within NSDL is the National Civil Engineering Educational Resources Library (NCERL). The first phase of NCERL is the collection and creation of digital educational resources in three areas of civil engineering Geotechnical, Rock and Water Resources Engineering (GROW). NSDL is a resources depository, information services and delivery platform In this paper, a brief description of GROW-NCERL is presented. One of the key developments within GROW-NCERL is the creation of reusable, interactive learning objects. Examples of these learning objects and classes are presented and discussed. GROW-NCERL is intended for universal access and collaboration across continents is needed for all to benefit.

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