Communication Architecture for Providing Stable Streaming Services by Anycasting

K. Yamazaki, S. Ata, I. Oka, and C. Fujiwara (Japan)


Anycast, Clustering, Load Balancing, IPv6, Streaming


Streaming services are aimed at distributing multimedia data in real-time, and a server providing streaming services requires high processing power and reliability. In this pa per, we propose a new, low-cost, and easily implemented scheme which establishes a fault-tolerant streaming service by using a clustering technique. Our approach is based on anycasting for load balancing in the clustered servers. We have implemented our proposed architecture and have ver ified that the architecture provides streaming service con tinuously without any halt in reproduction even if some streaming servers fail while in service. Furthermore, we discuss applying our approach to an existing streaming ser vice, and show that it is easy to implement.

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