Fast 3D Surfaces Rendering Techniques for Small Portable Devices

A. Amoroso, G. Casciola, and M. Masotti (Italy)


3D surface rendering, wireframe, hidden line, wireless, constrained devices, coordinates transformation.


In the actual scenario of small devices, such as smartphones and handhelds, the traditional graphic algorithms need deep adaptation. The characterizing aspects of small devices with respect to personal computers are significant less CPU power, and smaller internal memory and screen. We propose a graphic technique that is significantly faster than the traditional ones. Moreover, our proposal re quires a predefined amount of memory that depends solely on the window size. Our approach takes advantage of a fast coordinates transformation from the continuous to the discrete. The algorithm operates in screen coordinates, i.e. the pix els, hence almost all the computation are made by means of integer arithmetic and does not require any math co processor. Moreover, due to the integer coordinates, the memory occupation of the algorithm depends on the size of the window on the screen.

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