A Cellular Automata and Intelligent Agents use to Model Natural Disasters with Discrete Simulation

P. Fonseca, J. Casanovas, and J. Montero (Spain)


Cellular automata, intelligent agents, natural disaster,event scheduling, GIS.


Some of typical industry problems can be analyzed using discrete simulation, in concrete the simulation event scheduling paradigm has been used over decades in industry area offering good results. However, although simulation can represent the reality closer than any other approximation, in other systems like ecological, economical or social don't present similar results. In fact, currently is very difficult to depict this kind of systems. One of the first problems resides in his evolving nature. But, event scheduling simulations can be used in this sort of systems adding cellular automata and intelligent agents to the model structures, adding intrinsic evolving nature. Although the prediction usually cannot be done, there are other important benefits that can be considered, like data collection between the researchers of the domain, the recognition of gaps in the knowledge, and of course, better understanding of system in a global approximation. Nowadays these are the main goals attended to construct this sort of models. The brief description of this architecture, which allows the simulation of evolving systems, like natural disasters, is the target of this paper.

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