A Performance Comparison between the Linear Queue and the Circular Queue in Web Servers

Y.-W. Bai and P.-A. Chen (Taiwan)


Web Server, Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Buffer Size,Service Rate, Thread.


The number of Web requests has increased gradually due to the available access concentration to specific Web servers, and have created the need for the expandability of Web servers. As for the performance index of the Web service, it is difficult to estimate the Web site time and network time in advance. We, however, can find the relationships between the buffer size and the service rate, by using a linear queue and a circular queue. To compare the response times of both buffer mechanisms, we use a single computer to avoid being affected by the network status. Our experiment uses a small file size to access the Web server; hence, we can easily control the service rates. To form a model of the buffer mechanism, we use the M/M/1/N model of queuing theory in order to compare the experimental results. Overall, while processing the Web requests, the linear queue performs more operations than the circular queue, resulting in the circular queue spending less time and therefore obtaining a higher throughput.

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