Maximum Number of VOIP Traffic Streams Served in IEEE 802.11i/e Wireless LANs

W.-Y. Choi and S.-K. Lee (Korea)


IEEE 802.11i/e, Wireless LAN, VOIP, Capacity


VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) service is expected to be one of promising services in the next generation wireless LANs with the enhanced MAC protocols. The reasonable maximum number of VOIP traffic streams that can be served in the next generation wireless LANs is necessary for service providers to schedule the implementation of the next generation wireless LANs according to the growth of VOIP market, and depends on the underlying MAC and physical layer protocols. In this paper, we will derive the service rate for satisfying the delay requirement of each VOIP traffic stream, and obtain the maximum numbers of VOIP traffic streams that can be admitted to IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g wireless LANs employing the IEEE 802.11i/e enhanced MAC protocols for various delay requirements.

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