A Realtime Texture Synthesis Algorithm

P. Bao, X. Ma, and S.W.-C. Siu (PRC)


Texture Synthesis, Patch-based Pasting, Uniformly Patch Sampling


We present a simple and efficient texture synthesis algorithm based on the sample texture patches. Using patches of the sample texture as the building blocks for texture synthesis, the high-quality texture synthesis for a wide variety of textures ranging from regular to stochastic can be performed. The synthesizing process generates an initial texture block from the input sample texture patches and then iteratively search for all texture blocks from the sample texture to select a patch which optimizes the smoothness of the overlapping boundaries matching to the current boundary of the synthesized texture. To order to control the number of the searching patches, we present a uniformly distributing sampling patch technique with a parameter that can be adjusted by the user. The proposed approach is simple and very efficient. Experimental results demonstrate that the approach is effective for most of the texture patterns.

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