Optimal Design and Aircraft Parameter Estimation

C. Jauberthie, L. Denis-Vidal, and G. Joly-Blanchard (France)


Nonlinear Aircraft Systems, Identifiability, Optimal Design, Identification and Estimation.


System identification based on physical laws often involves parameter estimation. Before performing estimation prob lem, it is necessary to investigate its identifiability. It is a mathematical and a priori problem. Furthermore a set of parameters may be identifiable but poorly estimable for a given experiment. So a significant increase in accuracy of the parameter estimation may be obtained by a suitable choice of experimental conditions. This paper considers a model describing aircraft dy namics. A method is given to solve the problem of optimal design by using successively dynamic programming and a gradient algorithm. Then two methods of estimation are given and compared. The first one uses the optimal design and the second one is based on linear matrix inequalities.

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