L. Delaitre (France), A. Awasthi (Canada), H. Molet, and D. Breuil (France)
Combinatorial optimization, Assignment model, city logistics simulation
This current paper deals with the first stage of a simulation-based decision support system called CILOSIM (CITY – LOGISTICS – SIMULATION). The objective of CILOSIM is to simulate different urban goods movement scenarios by implementing control policies, access/time restrictions, partnerships, technology and real time information provision for logistical decision making. We present the first module of CILOSIM called “Goods to Vehicle Assignment Model”. The function of Goods to Vehicle Assignment Model is to optimally allocate goods to vehicle which depends upon the product configuration, vehicle capacity and vehicle-product compatibility. It is modelled with a concatenation of two problems known in operations research namely Zero/One three-dimensional Knapsack Problem and the three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem. The problem consists in choosing among n rectangular parcels (items) characterized by a height, a width, a depth, a time windows, a product type and a weight to be packed into m goods vehicles (knapsacks or bins) characterized by a height, a width, a depth and weight capacity to minimize the empty space in each goods vehicle. The items are packed according to their product compatibility and time windows without exceeding each goods vehicle capacity. Different scenarios are simulated to identify the possible way of goods allocation to vehicles.
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