Real-Time Coaching using Robot-based Semi-Teleoperated Cameras

R. Lemieux, M. Martin, C. Bellemare, P. Masson, F. Michaud, M.-E. Bernard, P. Fauteux, C. Julien, M. Lalonde-Filion, C. Morier, A. Morin-Guimond, M.-A. Patry, and A. Saint-Pierre (Canada)


Teletraumatology, traumatology, robot, coaching, kinesio logic, remote assistance


To compensate for the shortage of emergency specialists and maintain quality of medical care in remote regions, this paper presents two robotic systems enabling real-time telecoaching on surgical procedures in emergency rooms. The first one uses two robotized cameras moving on rails mounted on the ceiling and perpendicular to the stretcher. Cricothyroidotomy, thoracic drain, comb tube installation, endotracheal intubation and venous access were performed and assisted by a trauma surgeon on a corpse in a con trolled environment using this system. The second system increases the range of motion of one of the camera, by in stalling it on a two-axis rail system. This paper describes these two prototypes, the evaluation done in controlled en vironment, and the on-going work in improving further the robotic system.

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