D. Falcone, G. Di Bona, F. De Felice, S. Silvestri, and V. Duraccio (Italy)
Co-generation, Safety, Allocation, Factors
The present work analyses the most important safety allocation techniques available in literature. Subsequently, we have proposed and validated a new method, called: Integrated Dangers Method (IDM). The study starts from the application of the above techniques to a co-generation system. In particular, the new method considers a big number of factors able to assure its applicability to a wide variety of systems. The chosen input data is the “Not Safety”, corresponding to the number of undesired events. The proposed method is characterized by a very simple analytical formulation. By comparing the allocation results of the new technique with other techniques and with historical data of the system, we have appreciated its validity. The new method is able to adapt the available methodologies to the different design phases, according to a correct analysis of RAMS parameters.
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