Accumulation Function: Extend the Application of OXADM

M.S. Ab-Rahman, A.A. Abd Rahni, and M.D. Zan (Malaysia)


Accumulation, OXADM, migration, and multiplex protection.


This paper highlights the function of ‘accumulation’ that is featured in OXADMs. OXADMs are new optical switching devices which have an asymmetrical architecture and can perform bi-directional functions similar to existing devices such as OADMs and OXCs. OXADMs consists of 3 sections; selective ports, add/drop operations, and path routing. Selective ports permit only the selected wavelength to pass through and acts as a filter. Meanwhile add and drop functions can be implemented in the second part of the OXADM architecture. The signals can then be re-routed to any output port or/and an accumulation function can be performed which multiplexes all signals onto one path and then exit from any output port of interest. This is done by the third section. ‘Accumulation’ is the most interesting feature and differentiates the OXADM from other previous devices such as ROADMs, OADMs and OXCs. The OXADM node focuses on providing functionally such as transport, multiplexing, routing, supervision, termination and survivability in the optical layer with ring and mesh topologies. The objective of this paper is to propose the function of OXADMs in network topology migration and the multiplex protection scheme which is applied in OXADM networks utilizing the accumulation function.

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