Power Line Communication Denoising with Adaptive Wavelet Filters

E. Sheybani and N. Rashidi (USA)


Power line communication, broadband over power line, adaptive wavelets, denoising, impulse noise.


High-speed power line communication (PLC), otherwise known as broadband over power line (BPL), can transmit an information signal of several hundred megabits per second over the power lines that transport electrical energy. Due to the existing widespread infrastructure, this technology promises to serve as the most effective transmission system for supporting many high speed data transmission applications. However, background and impulse noise are among principal impairments in PLC channels. This paper presents a unique adaptive wavelet based denoising technique as a solution to this problem. The technique was applied to artificially generated data and proved to be fast and robust. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is substantially automatic. The performance has been evaluated with a set of synthetic and experimentally recorded signals.

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