Navigation Function of Group Review for Promoting Collaborative Improvement of Quizzes Created by Students

D. Hoshino, M. Takagi, N. Minami, and Y. Teshigawara (Japan)


Web-based Training, Quiz Creation, CSCL, Group review,Navigation of Collaborative Learning


We have developed a WBT system, named "CollabTest", which enables students to create quizzes collaboratively, and have used it experimentally for six years. The result of this experimental use shows that our system could provide a solution for the lack of quizzes used as online tests in higher education. After creating quizzes, students solve them online and benefit from discussions to improve quizzes. Because it is important to ensure the quality of quizzes, we propose a model of group review for promoting suggestions to improve the quality of quizzes and their reflections in the group review process. In addition, we developed a navigation function based on the model and evaluated its validity by experiments in a junior college seminar.

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