UML Modeling of Forward Congestion Notification Schemes for Datacenter Ethernet Networks

Lamia Chaari, Siwar Kotti, and Lotfi Kamoun


UML modeling, Congestion,, 802.1Qau, QCN-3, FECN, E2CM.


Ethernet is replacing the traditional storage networking technologies like Fiber Channel [1] and Infiniband[2] in Datacenters[3], that provide loss-free transmission. To make Ethernet suitable for datacenter, it must deliver efficient throughput, low latency, low delay variations and minimal frame drops. Accordingly IEEE 802.Qau standards committee is developing new specification for congestion management for Ethernet in datacenter networks. Backward Congestion Notification (BCN) and Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FENC) are two proposals. In this paper, we propose UML Modeling of four Forward Congestion Notification Schemes for Datacenter Ethernet Networks, which corresponds to QCN3 (Quantized Congestion Notification), FENC, EFENC(Enhanced Forward Explicit Rate Notification) and E2CM (Explicit Ethernet Congestion Management) mechanisms. The design philosophy of those four proposals are explained.

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