OSPaaS: OSGi Service Platform as a Service

Sebastian Garwers, Anthony Sulistio, and Christoph Reich


cloud computing, Platform as a Service, OSGi Service Platform


The idea behind Cloud Computing is to deliverInfrastructure-, Platform-, and Software as a Service(IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) on a simple pay-per-use basis. Inthis paper, we introduce our work, OSGi Service Platformas a Service (OSPaaS), a PaaS model for running an OSGiservice platform in the cloud for e-Learning and teachingpurposes. OSPaaS leverages OpenNebula, a virtual infrastructuremanager, to dynamically launch virtual machines(VMs) on idle resources or dedicated servers. In addition,OSPaaS uses Shibboleth as a Single Sign-On mechanismfor seamless authentication and authorization.To assess the suitability of OSGi for cloud computing,this paper investigates and analyzes three OSGi frameworks,i.e. Knopflerfish, Equinox and Apache Felix. Subsequently,an OSPaaS architecture is presented and described.Finally, this paper shows a use case scenario andadvantages of OSPaaS for e-Learning & teaching purposes.

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