Offshore Wind farm Network Connectivity Analysis and Optimisation using Graph Algorithms and Metrics

Ken A. Hawick


wind power, power system planning, modelling and simulation, power system analysis and design, power distribution, networks


Offshore wind farms are becoming a very important contributor of electricity to national grid systems, including that of the United Kingdom. Wind farms vary considerably in their geographic size and hence capacity. A number of operational and practical factors must be taken into account in designing an optimal spatial layout to make best use of resources including the connectivity cabling of turbine platforms. We consider the cabling layout and some possible wiring patterns based on a minimum spanning tree (MST) approach using graph theory algorithms with weighted edges. We investigate patterns for some actual wind farms currently in operation or under construction off the UK coast. We also explore the scalability of such algorithms for simulated spatial patterns of wind turbines using MST wiring solutions applied to various regular and random turbine layouts.

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