Software Engineering and Applications    (SEA 2007)

November 19 – 21, 2007
Cambridge, MA, USA
Editor(s): J. Smith
611 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Software Quality, Maintainability, Management and Estimation FreeSubscription
591-104 Software Quality Model based on Software Development Approaches
K. Domínguez, M. Pérez, A.C. Grimán, M. Ortega, and L.E. Mendoza (Venezuela)
591-111 Effects of Dependency Injection on Maintainability
E. Razina and D. Janzen (USA)
591-127 Improved Decision-Making for Software Managers using Bayesian Networks
Ł. Radliński (Poland), N. Fenton, M. Neil, and D. Marquez (UK)
591-149 A Neural Network Approach for Web Cost Estimation
C.S. Reddy, K.V.S.V.N. Raju, T. Srinivas, and G.L. Devi (India)
591-154 Calibrated Estimation Model for a Maintenance Project
N.K. Bhandari and H. Goswami (India)
591-161 An Experience of Implementing Software Metrics in an Industrial Environment
H. Lee and Y. Jang (Korea)
591-163 A New Model for Evaluating Performability under the Effects of Software Aging and Rejuvenation
J. Patel and O. Das (Canada)
591-182 Towards a Compliance Support Framework for Global Software Companies
A.K. Hamou-Lhadj and A. Hamou-Lhadj (Canada)
Track QA, Reliability and Test FreeSubscription
591-023 GUI Structural Metrics and Testability Testing
K. Magel and I. Alsmadi (USA)
591-040 UML based Regression Testing for OO Software
N. Mansour and H. Takkoush (Lebanon)
591-045 Improving the Quality of Requirements Engineering Knowledge Representation Through Natural Language Requirements Patterns
A. Ang (Malaysia)
591-054 Empirical Evaluation of Issue based Variability Modeling using the Experimental Survey Technique
A.K. Thurimella and B. Bruegge (Germany)
591-056 Capturing Behavior Coordination in Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering
J. Tang and D. Liang (USA)
591-062 Considering Environmental Function in Reliability Growth Modeling from Testing to Operation
J. Zhao, C.-G. Men, Z.-G. Gao, and G.-C. Gu (PRC)
591-063 Termination Checking WITHOUT using an Ordering Relation
A. Vargun (USA)
591-069 Exploring Traceability-based Requirements Inspection
F. Ahmed, Q.S. Durrani (Pakistan), and S. Khurshid (USA)
591-083 Using Partial Models to Support the Testing of Distributed Systems
C. Robinson-Mallett (Germany), R.M. Hierons (UK), J. Poore (USA), and T. Bauer (Germany)
591-087 A Validation of Stability Metrics
P. Roden, L. Etzkorn, S. Virani, S. Messimer, and B.L. Vinz (USA)
591-110 Requirements Analysis using Similar Sequence Diagrams
A. Hara and S. Takada (Japan)
591-130 A New Software Complexity Metrics for Computer Communication Network
H. Singh, A. Mustapha, A.M. Dixit, L. Hua, and G.R. Gerhart (USA)
591-164 A Test Improvement Model for Embedded Software Testing
E. Kim and Y. Jang (Korea)
591-169 Quantifying the Impact of Architectural Uncertainties on System Reliability
L. Fiondella and S.S. Gokhale (USA)
591-173 Atomic Requirements for Software Architecting
M. Galster, A. Eberlein, and M. Moussavi (Canada)
Track Formal Methods and Consistency Checking FreeSubscription
591-027 Formal Automated Analysis of Object Oriented Software Models
A. Tircuit (USA)
591-050 Formal Semantics and Verification of Dynamic Reliability Block Diagrams for System Reliability Modeling
H. Xu and L. Xing (USA)
591-098 Tracing Correct Usage of Design Patterns
N. Soundarajan (USA), J. Dovland (Norway), and J.O. Hallstrom (USA)
591-099 Reasoning About the Behavior of Aspect-Oriented Progams
N. Soundarajan, R. Khatchadourian (USA), and J. Dovland (Norway)
591-103 Concepts of Modeling Architectural Module Views for Compliance Checks based on Architectural Styles
P. Becker-Pechau and M. Bennicke (Germany)
591-134 Logic bSased Formalization of UML Use Case Modeling
Y. Shinkawa (Japan)
591-146 A Petri Net-based Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Component-based Distributed Real-Time Systems
X. Hei, H. Mochizuki, S. Takahashi, and H. Nakamura (Japan)
591-193 A Component-based Approach for Consistency Checking of UML Dynamic Diagrams
Y. Hammal (Algeria)
Track Software Engineering Case Studies FreeSubscription
591-061 xID: A Flexible Architecture for Plug-n-Play Smart Cards
A.M. Ali and H.K. Lu (USA)
591-068 Experience of Designing and using Domain Specific Languages for OLTP Applications
U. Banerjee and E. Narasimhan (India)
591-090 Large Forward Engineering Project Implementing OOAD in Legacy Environment
S. Ramakrishnan, J. Tojy, and V.V.S. Raveendra (India)
591-093 Browser/Server and Client/Server based Dockside Container Crane CAD/CAE System
H. Li, Z. Sheng, and Y. Rong (USA)
591-096 Enabling Offshore Software Testing: A Case Study
L. Al-Jadiri and B. Bruegge (Germany)
591-106 A Study of Comment Abstraction, Coupling, and Placement
B.L. Vinz and L. Etzkorn (USA)
591-109 Reverse-Engineering of an Industrial Software using the Unified Process: An Experiment
P. Dugerdil and S. Jossi (Switzerland)
591-170 Comparative Study of Partitioning Methods for Program Testing
S. Kaur and G. Singh (India)
591-171 Hybrid Testing and Verification Techniques for a Cognitive Radio System
X. Cheng, N. He, and M.S. Hsiao (USA)
591-181 Contract by Systems Modeling: A Case Study on the FDA Principles of Software Validation
M.M. Abdeen and T. Maibaum (Canada)
591-184 Compliance Monitoring for Assisted Living using Mobile Platforms
D. Hanák, G. Mészáros-Komáromy, G. Szijártó, and B. Takács (Hungary)
591-191 Modeling and Executing Adaptive Sensor Network Applications with the Matilda UML Virtual Machine
H. Wada, P. Boonma, J. Suzuki, and K. Oba (USA)
591-195 Role based Access Control for a Medical Database
L.A. Slevin and A. Macfie (UK)
591-196 Towards Goal-Interaction Detection during COTS Selection
A. Mohamed, M. Shehata (Egypt), and A. Eberlein (UAE)
Track Gaming and Education FreeSubscription
591-011 Complex Game Development: A Case Study in Rapid Software Development by Novice Programmers
T. Goulding and R. DiTrolio (USA)
591-077 Lecture Quiz - A Mobile Game Concept for Lectures
A.I. Wang, T. Øfsdahl, and O.K. Mørch-Storstein (Norway)
591-095 Applying Serious Games to Intelligence Analysis
D. Libes and T. OConnell (USA)
591-172 A Radical Design Course: Leveraging APIs for Creativity and Innovation in Software
F. Martin, G. Grinstein, and S. Kuhn (USA)
Track Tool Support for Software Engineering FreeSubscription
591-046 A Metrics Tool for Multi-Language Software
P. Linos, W. Lucas, S. Myers, and E. Maier (USA)
591-047 ATAM Assistant: A Semi-Automated Tool for the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
B. Lionberger and C. Zhang (USA)
591-120 Another Neat Tool for Refactoring Erlang Programs
M. Héder, Z. László, and T. Sulyán (Hungary)
591-122 XML Schema-Driven GUI Forms Environment
S. Komazec, B. Milosavljević, and Z. Konjović (Serbia)
591-159 Analysis of Integrated Development Environments for J2EE Applications
H. Dagdeviren, R. Juric, O. Ogunleye, and I. Tesanovic (UK)
Track Web/Service Oriented Application Design and Development FreeSubscription
591-036 From Web Application Design to the Portlet Application: A Methodological Approach
R. Paiano, A.L. Guido, and A. Pandurino (Italy)
591-067 Dynamic Editor for AJAX Application
U. Banerjee, Deepesh PC, and K. Narayan (India)
591-094 Enhanced Architecture Models for Rich Internet Applications
J. Lin (USA)
591-107 Web Services Composition based on Business Rules
A. Kamada and M. Mendes (Brazil)
591-128 Continuous Testing for Enterprise Portal Technology Refresh
M.-G. Lee and G. Foreman (USA)
591-157 Architecture Model for Personalizing Interactive Service-Oriented Application
C. Joffroy, A.-M. Pinna-Dery, P. Renevier, and M.Riveill (France)
591-176 Analysis of Anomalies and Failures in Dynamic Web Applications
N. Alaeddine and J. Tian (USA)
591-190 Web Services for Parsing Source Code by Two-Step Parsing
K. Maeda (Japan) Maeda (Japan)
Track Artificial Intelligence/Aspect Oriented Applications and Techniques FreeSubscription
591-086 Using BDI Agents for Automated Software Deployment in Next Generation Networks
K. Jurasovic, G. Jezic, and M. Kusek (Croatia)
591-100 Natural Language Processing and Formal Concept Analysis Technologies for Automatic Building of Domain Model
M.G. Ilieva and O. Ormandjieva (Canada)
591-147 Fault-Prone Module Prediction of a Web Application using Artificial Neural Networks
C.S. Reddy, K.V.S.V.N. Raju, V.V. Kumari, and G.L. Devi (India)
591-165 An Agent-based Approach for Component Management in Service-Oriented Architectures
I. Ljubi, M. Kusek, G. Jezic, D. Huljenic, and S. Desic (Croatia)
591-180 Modeling Aspects with UML's Class, Sequence and State Diagrams in an Industrial Setting
A. Bustos and Y. Eterovic (Chile)
591-188 Software Release Planning with Time-Dependent Value Functions and Flexible Release Dates
J. Mc Elroy and G. Ruhe (Canada)
591-194 Go-CID: Generic Ontology for Context- Aware, Interoperable and Data Sharing Applications
P. Kataria, R. Juric, and K. Madani (UK)
Track Software Engineering Methodological Advances FreeSubscription
591-078 Program Dependence Graph based Slicing for Java
J. Korpi and J. Koskinen (Finland)
591-080 Enhanced Context Analysis for eXtreme Programming (XP): Describing the Big Picture
F. Keenan (Ireland) and D. Bustard (UK)
591-082 An Algorithm for Task-based Application Composition
O. Davidyuk (Finland), J. Ceberio (Spain), and J. Riekki (Finland)
591-105 Realizing Communication Services using Model-Driven Development
Y. Wang, P.J. Clarke, Y. Wu, A.A. Allen, and Y. Deng (USA)
591-148 Cumulative Subgoal Fulfillment in Software Development
E.J. Braude (USA)
591-179 Cost Reduction and Development Speed-Up through Reuseability: Evaluating Experiences Against a Simplified Model
M. Lancia, F. Lombardi, and R. Puccinelli (Italy)
591-183 Comparing Multiple State Diagrams to Sequence Diagrams using Super State Analysis
M.N. Alanazi and D.A. Gustafson (USA)
591-185 Software Clustering based on Behavioural Features
C. Patel, A. Hamou-Lhadj, and J. Rilling (Canada)
591-186 Feature Location based on Impact Analysis
A. Rohatgi, A. Hamou-Lhadj, and J. Rilling (Canada)
591-187 Analysing the Evolution Patterns of Object-Oriented System
H.-H. Lee and W.-C. Lai (Taiwan)
591-197 Compositional Simulation of Real-Time Components
O. Kon, M. Strecker, and R. Uaziz (France)
Track Software Modeling FreeSubscription
591-033 Model-based Component Framework for Developing Domain Applications
M. Jiang, A. Neczwid, Z. Yang, A. Athale, and H. Zhao (USA)
591-039 Developing Model Transformation Tools using the UML Metamodel: Challenges and Solutions
A. Bandyopadhyay and S. Ghosh (USA)
591-079 Integrated UML and Modelica System Modeling with ModelicaML in Eclipse
A. Pop, D. Akhvlediani, and P. Fritzson (Sweden)
591-088 An Approach for Generating State Machine Designs from Scenarios
A. Mousavi, B.H.Far (Canada), and A. Eberlein (UEA)
591-145 A Style-based Architecture Modelling Approach for UML 2 Component Diagrams
S.Giesecke, F. Marwede, M. Rohr, and W. Hasselbring (Germany)
591-802 (U)CML - A Modeling Language for Modeling and Testing Compatibility
D. Koss and M. Brandstätter (Germany)
Track Security in Software Engineering FreeSubscription
591-101 Integrating Security-Related Coding Techniques into Programming Practice
V. Shtern (USA)
591-123 A Conceptual Model for Privacy Policies
A. Coen-Porisini, P. Colombo, S. Sicari, and A. Trombetta (Italy)
591-124 A Generic Framework to Enforce Access Control in FPGAs with Dynamic Reconfiguration
M. Kucera and M. Vetter (Germany)
591-142 A New Security Framework for Embedded Component Systems
T. Azumi, S. Yamada, H. Oyama, Y. Nakamoto, and H. Takada (Japan)
591-160 QoS Broker-based Trust Model for Effective Web Service Selection
Z. Pan and J.Baik (Korea)
Track Additonal Papers FreeSubscription
591-008 Incentive-based Scheduling Framework for Grid Computing
S. Suresh (UK), C.G. Gayathri, P. Birahadish, and B. Saravanan (India)
591-801 Introducing the Data Mining Utility: A Web-based Application for Data Mining Experimentation on Neurological Datasets
Daniel Sanchez, A. Shirk, Danmary Sanchez, and A. Marrero (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $219.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $186.15 (Online) ;  $219.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $219.00
Online Edition $186.15
CD Edition $219.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-705-5 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-706-2 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

Topics will include, but are not limited to: Software Design And Development * Software Requirements * Software Architecture * Software Methodologies * Software Algorithms * Software Design * Software Performance Engineering * Software Performance Model Building * Software Development * Object-Oriented Analysis and Design * Software Engineering * Software Maintenance * Software Testing * Software Metrics * Software Project Management * Distributed Software Management Software Tools And Techniques * Software Tools * Software Agents * Intelligent Agents * Programming Languages * Modelling Languages * Compilers * Internet Computing * Web-based Software Engineering * Logic Programming * Artificial Intelligence Applications * Formal Methods * Framework Techniques * Graphical User Interfaces * Visualization * Modelling and Simulation Software Security, Optimization, and Standardization * Security * Fault Tolerance * Reliability * Software Evaluation * Verification and Validation * Quality Assurance * Optimization * Reusability * Software Prototyping * Software Re-Engineering * Software Standards * Software Protocols * Software Product Lines * Copyright Issues Databases and Data Mining * Database Algorithms * Database Design * Database Languages * Data Warehousing * Object-Oriented Databases * Database Management Systems * Data Mining * Query Optimization * Expert Systems * Knowledge-based Systems Software Engineering Applications * Parallel and Distributed Systems * Real Time Systems * Mobile and Wireless Computing * Communication Networks * Multimedia Systems * e-Commerce * m-Commerce * Web-based simulation * Business Process Re-Engineering * Embedded Systems Programming * Cooperative Work Support * Workflow Modelling * Medical Informatics * Computer Graphics * Education.

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