V. Uskov and A. Uskov
Streaming multimedia technology, Web-based education, recommendations for developers and early adopters
During 2001–2004, the InterLabs Research Institute at Bradley University (Peoria, IL, U.S.A.) hosted the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) CCLI-EMD grant # 0196015 [1] on design, development, and testing of advanced online educational materials (OEMs) in the area of information technology (IT). The main proposed conceptual decisions, technical solutions, summaries of users’ surveys and questionnaires, and summaries of student and faculty feedback are presented in [2]. This complementary paper briefly describes the project’s main findings, and specifically the project team’s recommendations for developers of streaming media-based learning content and faculty who plan to teach online classes using rich streaming multimedia educational materials. This paper also presents the authors’ views on perspectives of streaming media applications in education.
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