Neuro-Fuzzy Model of Flue Gas Oxygen Content

Z. Hímer, V. Wertz, J. Kovács, and U. Kortela (Finland)


Identification, non-linear systems, flue-gas emission, ANFIS


Fuzzy Logic , which has recently drawn a great deal of attention, possesses conceptually the quality of the simplicity. However, its early application relied on trial and error in selecting either the fuzzy membership functions or the fuzzy rules. This made it heavily dependent on expert knowledge, which may not always available. Hence, an adaptive fuzzy logic controller such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) removes this stringent requirement. This paper demonstrates the application of ANFIS a nonlinear Multi Input Single Output fuel feeding and combustion system. An ANFIS model has been developed to determine the exact amount of fuel fed to a combustion chamber. This property is impossible to measure directly, but it is required for improving combustion control. The model has been validated on experiment data obtained in a case-study power plant. The results have shown that the model is able to capture the nonlinear feature of the fuel feeding system.

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