Enhancing the Uptake of Online Resources by Increasing Integration into Course Structure: A Case Study

I. Karasavvidis (Greece)


On-line resources, blended learning, tertiary education, pedagogical strategies


The present study focuses on the uptake of online resources by undergraduate students in the context of blended learning. More specifically, it investigated whether the level of integration of online resources into the course structure affected the frequency with which the students accessed the resources. 67 undergraduate students participated in the two study conditions: low and high online resource integration. The number of resource views by students was the main dependent measure. The comparison of online resource views in the two conditions indicated statistically significant differences in the direction predicted: the more integrated the resources were into the course structure the more likely it was for the students to use them. The main implication of the study is that to ensure online resource uptake the instructors should work to make the online resources instrumental in the assignments.

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