Computers and Advanced Technology in Education    (CATE 2008)

September 29 – October 1, 2008
Crete, Greece
Editor(s): V. Uskov
453 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track International PhD. Student Competition FreeSubscription
614-003 Meta-Levels of Adaptation in Education
M. Hendrix and A.I. Cristea (UK)
614-106 On Modeling the Educational Process of Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The NOESIS Project
P. Petrantonakis, J. Vittorias, D. Bolis, A. Tsiligkyri, V. Kosmidou, L.J. Hadjileontiadis, and S.M. Panas (Greece)
614-126 Evaluation of Authoring for Adaptation and Delivery via Learning Management Systems
F. Ghali and A.I. Cristea (UK)
614-134 Multidevice System for Educational Accessibility of Hearing-Impaired Students
P.R. Sanz, J.J. Dorado, J.M. Snchez Pena, and B. Ruiz Mezcua (Spain)
614-138 Adaptive and Personalized Content Architecture for Mobile Learning System
X. Zhao, T. Ninomiya, F. Anma, and T. Okamoto (Japan)
Track Collaborative Learning FreeSubscription
614-016 e-Tutor Scaffolding in Online Synchronous Tutorials: Too Little, Too Much?
H.L. Lim (UAE)
614-055 A Remote-Access Laboratory for Collaborative Learning
B. Hanson, P. Culmer, J. Gallagher, K. Page, E. Read, A. Weightman, and M. Levesley (UK)
614-063 TEachOtherS: A Writing Aid System for Students
M. Yamaguchi and M. Kitamura (Japan)
614-075 Collaborative Group Forming in Grid Environment
M. Vilenius, T. Okamoto, and F. Anma (Japan)
614-084 Learning and Feeling of Belonging to a Virtual Group: The UOC Case
M. Prez-Mateo and M. Guitert (Spain)
614-096 Automatic Structure Generation of CSCL Discussion based on NLP Semantic Analysis
T. Tsurugi, M. Maejima, and Y. Tamura (Japan)
614-097 Implementing PBL Online as a Collaborative Learning Strategy for Teachers: The Cole
F. Desjardins and R. vanOostveen (Canada)
614-122 Augmenting e-Learning Standards with Adaptation
F. Ghali, A.I. Cristea, and M. Hendrix (UK)
614-135 Virtual Campus as a Framework for Educational and Social Activities
M. Fominykh, E. Prasolova-Frland (Norway), M. Morozov, and A. Gerasimov (Russia)
614-140 'Episodes' in Pupils' Collaborative Talk during ICT-based Music Composition: A Modeling Approach
G.N. Nikolaidou, S.J. Hadjileontiadou (Macedonia), and L.J. Hadjileontiadis (Greece)
Track Best Practicies in Advanced Technology-based Teaching and Learning FreeSubscription
614-018 Distance Learning System: From Designing to Introduction at Schools
M. Lapenok and I. Rozhina (Russia)
614-027 Five Years of Faculty Distant Education Platform - How it Changed Education Process
J. Rutkowski. K. Moscinska, and P. Klosowski (Poland)
614-041 Computers and Advanced Technology in Early Childhood Education
L. Anido, R. Mquez, and J.M. Santos (Spain)
614-046 e-Courses using Results and Efficiency
L. Zaitseva (Latvia)
614-047 The e-Learning Course: "Software Implementation" Development
J. Bule (Latvia)
614-048 Experiences with Virtual Classes in Distance Education
K. Baas, H. Vranken, and E. Rusman (The Netherlands)
614-090 An E-Assessment System for Mathematical Proofs
S. Gruttmann, H. Kuchen, and D. Bhm (Germany)
Track Innovative Technology-based Teaching and Learning FreeSubscription
614-032 Development and Evaluation of Mobile-Phone-Compatible Comment Card System and Text Mining
H. Miyata (Japan)
614-053 On-Line Visualization of Speech Organs using MRI: A 3D Approach to Speech Articulation Modeling
G.Y. Kedrova, N.V. Anisimov, and Y.A. Pirogov (Russia)
614-056 Remote Laboratories in the Curriculum
B. Hanson, P. Culmer, J. Gallagher, K. Page, E. Read, A. Weightman, and M. Levesley (UK)
614-072 e-Portfolio Cell: Formal Descriptive Model for e-Portfolios
Y. Morimoto, M. Ueno, I. Kikukawa, S. Yokoyama, and Y. Miyadera (Japan)
614-074 Internet-based Problem-based Learning Simulation
D. Kaufman (Canada)
614-077 eCard: A Flashcard System for Oral Practices in Learning of English as Foreign Language
G.C. Lee (Taiwan)
614-080 Learning from Spatiotemporal Stories with Storix - One Size Fits All?
G. Misund, H. Tolsby, and . Hakestad (Norway)
614-088 Applying Machine Translation Technique to Language e-Learning
Y. Nitta (Japan)
614-095 Towards New Approaches in Adaptive Support for Collaborative e-Learning
A. Paramythis and J.R. Mhlbacher (Austria)
614-111 Learning Flowcharts Effectively: A Virtual Classroom Approach
A.K.L. Wong (Malaysia)
614-117 A Diagrammatical Supporting System for Solving Mathematical Word Problems
T. Ito, Y. Maeda, E. Taniguchi, M. Ishikawa, and K. Kaneko (Japan)
614-119 Remote Experiments in Teaching Medical Biophysics
J. Zahora, J. Hanus, V. Masin, and A. Bezrouk (Czech Republic)
614-120 An Asia-Wide Distributed Hands-On Workshop: Synchronous Learning and Large-Scale Computing Laboratory
P. Basu, S. Mikawa, T. Miyachi, A. Basuki, A.H. Thamrin, and K. Okawa (Japan)
Track Studies on Innovative Technology-based Teaching and Learning FreeSubscription
614-026 A Functional Approach to Parallelism and Distributed Processing in Undergraduate Education
M. Eggen and R. Eggen (USA)
614-039 Creating Educational Information Environment of a Megapolis
V. Yablonsky and V. Abrosimov (Russia)
614-086 A Case Study of Blended Type e-Learning for a Large Scale Knowledge Creation Type Class at the University
N. Kozuki and H. Miyata (Japan)
614-091 Enhancing the Uptake of Online Resources by Increasing Integration into Course Structure: A Case Study
I. Karasavvidis (Greece)
614-108 Deploying the Unit Information System Across the Institution via the Integrated Technology Action Group: One University's Experience
J. Cerny and M. Wrubleski (Canada)
614-123 Introducing Podcasts to Students: A Technology Skill Management Case Study
N. Khatib (USA)
614-132 An Integrated Web-based Exercise Module
A. Dyckhoff, P. Rohde, and P.W. Stalljohann (Germany)
614-137 Performance Study of using Digital Ink with Engineering Students
O.M. Bonastre, J.M. Amig Garcia, J. Valero Cuadra, and A. Gimenez Pastor (Spain)
Track Advanced Software Systems and Tools for Technology-based Education FreeSubscription
614-029 Ways of Improving an e-Learning Platform by Embedding Knowledge Management
M.C. Mihăescu, D.D. Burdescu, and B. Logofatu (Romania)
614-033 Comparison of Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Designing Educational Software
M. Kurosu, K. Nagao, and Y. Hosokawa (Japan)
614-100 RAYGL: An OpenGL to POV-RAY API
R. Marsh and K. Zarns (USA)
614-104 A Behavioral Model for Tutoring Ill-Defined Design Tasks with Multiple Dialogue Agents
R. Blumenthal and S.T. Karamouzis (USA)
614-112 Design of Advanced Learning-Support Functionality in Cyber Society
T. Watanabe (Japan)
614-124 SimulCol - An Asynchronous Collaborative Educational Modeling Tool
M.J.P. Marcelino (Portugal), M.A. Redondo (Spain), A.I.S. Tinoco, and A.J.N. Mendes (Portugal)
Track Advanced Technology in Education and Training FreeSubscription
614-021 A Classroom/Distance Learning Engineering/Technology Course on Nanophotonics
J.P. Agrawal (USA)
614-024 Framework for Easy and Effective Implementation of Adaptive Features in Web Portal
M. Bures and I. Jelinek (Czech Republic)
614-050 Enhancing Medical Education through e-Portfolios on Emergency Life Support
H. Owen, S. Skinner, C. Carapetis, C. Sprick, and K. Hayres (Australia)
614-052 Culture Friendly Design Colors for Educational Websites
I. Kondratova and I. Goldfarb (Canada)
614-060 Designing a Simulation-Supported Adaptive Assessment System for Spinal Anaesthesia
E. Lvquist, A. Aboulafia, D. Breen, G. Shorten (Ireland), D. Zhang, and D. Albert (Austria)
614-092 Effective Transfer of Advanced Technology in Education: The University of Georgia-Tunisia Partnership
T.K. Hamrita (USA)
614-099 Finding Heuristics Usability Problems in Universities Web Sites in Pakistan
A. Rehman and M. Mehmood (Pakistan)
614-802 Internet and Multimedia Information Systems in Medical Education
J. Hanus, T. Nosek, J. Zahora, V. Masin, and A. Bezrouk (Czech Republic)
614-804 A Method for Controlling the Scenario Writing for the Assessment of Conceptual Database Model
F. Batmaz and C.J. Hinde (UK)
Track Digital Libraries and Learning Objects FreeSubscription
614-076 Integrating Unsupervised Document Classification with a Folksonomy in a Repository of Learning Objects
Á. Figueira (Portugal)
614-078 Structuring Segments of e-Learning Multimedia Objects with LOM and MPEG-7
E.W. Oliveira, S.W.M. Siquiera (Brazil), and M.H.L.B. Braz (Portugal)
614-107 An Integrated Web-based Literature Module
P.W. Stalljohann and P. Rohde (Germany)
614-125 Supporting Lifelong Learning Programmes: Defining an Accessibility and Competence based Application Profile for Educational Metadata
D.G. Sampson, D. Fytros, and P. Zervas (Greece)
614-128 A Conformance Testing Approach with IEEE LOM and its Application to a Science Education Application Profile
P. Zervas and D.G. Sampson (Greece)
614-133 Learning Objects, the Semantic Web, and the Future of Distributed Instruction
J.D. Fletcher (USA)
Track Faculty Development and Training/Corporate Training FreeSubscription
614-022 Investigating Factors that Influence Teaching with Computers: Attitudes Revisited
D. ner (Turkey)
614-034 Analysed and Video-based Online Faculty Development
S.-R. Lin, Y.-W. Chen, P.-I. Lee, Y.-B. Wei, Y.-T. Kuo, and H.-T. Teng (Taiwan)
614-044 Facilitating Creativity in Vocational Computer Game Development Courses: The Role of Technology and Pedagogy
B. Northcott and I. Miliszewska (Australia)
614-064 Online Performance based Management and Evaluation System as an Instrument to Manage the Quality of Institutional Performance at the University of Technology, Jamaica
S.A.C. Glasgow, J. Ellis, N. Johnson, and V. Pougatchev (Jamiaca)
614-065 Online Performance based Management and Evaluation System at the University of Technology, Jamaica: Information Resources and Security Solution
V. Pougatchev (Jamaica)
614-066 A Critical Review of Research on Technology-based Training in the Context of Business Organizations
M. Saghafian (Canada)
614-136 Experiences with Activity based Training Methods in Vocational Education
J.B. Stav (Norway)
Track Advanced Hardware Systems for Technology-based Education/Virtual Scientific Labs FreeSubscription
614-035 The Implementation of Speech Synthesis in Engine Room Simulator Training
S. Kluj (Poland)
614-038 Approach to Education through Hands-On Robotics by Development of Small Humanoid Robots
N. Ushimi and K. Tsuruta (Japan)
614-049 Design and Implementation of a Virtual Tutor
J.-P. Gerval and Y. Le Ru (France)
614-059 Haptic System for Acquiring Drawing Skills WITHIN a Virtual Trainer
J. Rodrguez (Spain), C. Vzquez, L. Chirinos (Mexico), and E. Snchez (Spain)
614-101 VR, n-D and FPS Game Engine Driven Visualization for the Architectural/Construction Engineering Education
M.E. Haque (USA)
614-110 Development of a Graphical Platform of Simulation Applied in the Evaluation of Control Structures used in a Robot Manipulator by Means of the Performance Index
P. Snchez-Snchez, A. Michua-Camarillo, F. Reyes-Corts, and J.G. Cebada-Reyes (Mexico)
614-113 Teaching the Addressing Modes of the M68HC08 CPU by Means of a Practicable Lesson
D.E. Bolanakis, G.A. Evangelakis, E. Glavas, and K.T. Kotsis (Greece)
614-114 Use of PRS Clickers and Computer Animations in Large Introductory Physics Classes
T. Wrzesniewski (Canada)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $211.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $179.00 (Online) ;  $211.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $211.00
Online Edition $179.00
CD Edition $211.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-767-3 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-768-0 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: Advanced Technology in Education and Training - * Authoring Tools and Methodology * Agent-based Technology * Computer-Assisted Learning and Instruction * Collaborative Learning * Collaborative Knowledge Construction * Digital Libraries * Information Technology * Interactive Learning Environments * Human-Computer Interfaces * Learning Management Systems * Mobile Teaching * Mobile Learning * Mobile Communication * Multimedia and Hypermedia Applications * Online Dictionaries and Synchronous Translation * Reusable Learning Objects and Standards * Research on Innovative Technology-based Teaching and Learning * Research on Advanced Technology in Education * Streaming Multimedia Technologies * Televised Courses and Telecommunications * Ubiquitous Learning * Technology-based Learning Communities * Virtual Reality * Web-based Education * Web-based Training * Technology-based Services Institutional Issues on Technology-based Education and Training - * Best Practices and Case Studies * Corporate Training * Economic Issues * Education for Business and Industry * Education for Disabled Learners * Infrastructure and Technology * Intellectual Property * Multi-Teacher Courses * Online (Virtual) Universities * Online Scientific Labs * Online Degree Programs (Credit and Non-Credit) * Primary and Secondary Education * Privacy Issues * Post-University Education and Training * Strategic Planning * Technology Centers * University Education * Vocational Training Advanced Educational Software and Hardware - * Architectures of Innovative Software and Hardware Systems for Education and Training * Collaborative and Communication Software * Distributed Learning Environments * Educational Software * Educational Hardware * Educational Networks * Educational Software/Hardware for Students and Learners with Special Needs * Groupware Tools * Security Aspects * Reliability Issues * Usability Issues Advanced Technology and Human Resource Issues - * Accreditation * Advanced Teaching and Learning Technologies * Curriculum Design and Development * Faculty and Professional Development * New Roles of Teachers, Instructors, Students, and Learners * New Learning and Teaching Theories * Teacher Training and Support * Teacher Evaluation Policies on Technology-based Education - * Assistance of National and International Organizations * International Collaboration and Projects * National Collaboration and Projects * National Policies and Standards * Policy and Law * Sociological Issues * Standards in Learning and Teaching * Special Conditions in Developing Countries Technology-based Blended, Distance and Open Education - * Adult Education * Best Practices and Case Studies * Blended Education * Curriculum Design and Development * Distance Education * Educational and Training Systems * Open Education * Open Universities * On Demand Education * Quality Control and Assessment * Pedagogical Issues

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