Approach to Education through Hands-On Robotics by Development of Small Humanoid Robots

N. Ushimi and K. Tsuruta (Japan)


Educational Hardware, Hands-On Robotics, Small Hu manoid Robot, Extracurricular Activities, Trial and Error


This paper describes an approach to engineering education through hands-on robotics by the development of small hu manoid robots at the Biorobotics course of Kyushu Sangyo University (KSU). University students can participate in the development of the small humanoid robot as extracur ricular activities of the Biorobotics course. The develop ment of robots is interesting for the university students of engineering and gives fun and learning. The hands-on robotics for engineering education by using the small hu manoid robot is especially targeted on the design and de velopment of robot hardware through trial and error. The hardware of an original small humanoid robot is developed by three phases in hands-on robotics for two years. As one of educational robotics goal in the development of the orig inal small humanoid robot, the university students join in various small humanoid robot competitions.

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