Comparison of Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Designing Educational Software

M. Kurosu, K. Nagao, and Y. Hosokawa (Japan)


rapid prototyping, educational software, paper prototyping, usability engineering, design process


Educational software should be developed adequately within a limited amount of time so that it can fit to the requirements of the instructional situation and the characteristics of students. Rapid prototyping technique is suitable for such a situation. There are many variations of rapid prototyping techniques and the developer should choose the most adequate one. By comparing three rapid prototyping techniques in a real-like situation, we made a comparison from the usability view point, i.e. the effectiveness and the efficiency. The result showed that each of these three techniques have their own adequate phase of software developing. Hence the developer should choose the adequate technique accordingly to the stage of development of the educational software.

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