Optical Communications Systems and Networks    (OCSN 2004)

July 8 – 10, 2004
Wireless and Optical Communication Multiconference
Editor(s): A.O. Fapojuwo
703-890 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Optical Network Design and Management FreeSubscription
423-017 Optimisation of Physical Layer Parameters for an All-Optical Network Testbed
H. Zeng, A. Vukovic, H. Hua, M.J. Savoie, C. Huang, and T. Nguyen (Canada)
423-025 Multiobjective Virtual Topology Design in Optical Networks using Evolutionary Algorithm
M. Pallavi and V. Sridhar (India)
423-028 Generation of High Repetition Rate OTDM Signals using Pulse-Amplitude Equalization in a Rational Harmonic Mode-Locked Semiconductor Fiber Ring Laser
Y.J. Kim, H.-J. Jo, C.-S. Park, and C.G. Lee (Korea)
423-037 A Novel Scheduling Algorithm based on Both Queue Ends and Voids for Contention Resolution of Overflow Packets in the Optical Packet Switch with Hybrid Buffer Structure
H. Lim and C.-S. Park (Korea)
423-043 A Preemptive Differentiation Scheme for Absolute Loss Guarantees in OBS Networks
M.-H. Phùng, K.-C. Chua, G. Mohan, M. Motani, and T.-C. Wong (Singapore)
423-044 Optimizing Bandwidth Utilization through Grant Awareness in EPON
S. Gopalan and V. Sridhar (India)
423-050 Performances of Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) Receivers in High-Speed Access Optical-CDMA Networks
C. Goursaud, M.N. Saad, Y. Zouine, A. Vergonjanne, C. Aupetit-Berthelemot, J.P. Cances, an
423-057 Wavelength Scheduling Algorithms in Buffer-less Optical Burst Switching Networks
A. Kaheel and H. Alnuweiri (Canada)
423-063 A New Algorithm for Routing and Scheduling in Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks
S.-C. Chau and T. Xiao (Canada)
423-066 Blocking Analysis for Time-Space Switched All-Optical Networks
B. Zhou, P. He, and G.v. Bochmann (Canada)
423-068 Increasing the Capacity of Optical CDMA Transmission with Non-Binary Modulation
A.A. Garba, J. Bajcsy, and L.R. Chen (Canada)
423-069 On the Next-Generation Optical Access Architecture
K.S. Kim, F.-T. An, D. Gutierrez, and L.G. Kazovsky (USA)
Track WDM Systems FreeSubscription
423-007 Dynamic Routing of "Sub-Wavelength" Connections in IP/MPLS over WDM Networks
A. Khalil, A. Hadjiantonis, M.A. Ali, N. Abdellatif, and J. Moghaddasi (USA)
423-018 Survivability in WDM Networks under Multiple Link Failures
V. Tamarapalli and S.H. Srinivasan (India)
423-023 A New Heuristic Single-hop Wavelength Assignment Algorithm in WDM Mesh Network
S.C. Tan and Y.P. Singh (Malaysia)
423-030 PBG Optical Filters for CWDM Systems
P.T. Neves, Jr. and A.A.P. Pohl (Brazil)
423-034 Wavelength Reservation and Congestion Control in Optical Networks
Y. Qu, P.K. Verma, and J.Y. Cheung (USA)
423-049 Performance Analysis of WDM Networks Employing Active Restoration
M.M.A. Azim, X. Jiang (Japan), P.-H. Ho (Canada), and S. Horiguchi (Japan)
423-051 Optical WDM Network Dynamics: An Analytical Approach with Applications to Robust Network Design
L. Pavel (Canada)
423-053 Analysis and Implementation of Reconfigurable Optical Ring Network with Minimal Wavelength Blocking
Y. Wang and S.V. Kartalopoulos (USA)
423-056 Comparison of Interconnection Architectures for WDM Shared Protection Rings
J.M. Pedro, P.P. Monteiro, and J.J. Pires (Portugal)
423-060 Efficient Wavelength Assignment Strategies in WDM Optical Mesh Networks: The Multicast Case
M. Sarhan and A. El-Amawy (USA)
423-067 Dimensioning WDM Optical Networks with Minimum MSPP Configuration
B. Jaumard, Y. Solari, and A. Houle (Canada)
423-800 Influence of Dispersion Slope on XPM-induced Degradation in Dispersion Compensated WDM Systems
R.S. Luís, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)
Track Optical Systems and Components FreeSubscription
423-012 Analysis of Blocking Probability for Vertically Stacked Optical Banyan Networks with Extra Stage
C. Yu, X. Jiang, and S. Horiguchi (Japan)
423-031 Performance Assessment of Transparent Optical Networks with Incoherent Homodyne Crosstalk and Amplified Spontaneous Emission Noise
M.R.G. Leiria and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)
423-032 Generation and Performance of AMI-RZ and DCS-RZ Signals with Sideband Suppression
P.M.A. Charrua, A.V.T. Cartaxo, and M.R. Leiria (Portugal)
423-036 Multiple-Wavelength for Optical Applications
K. Suh and O.K. Ersoy (USA)
423-041 Dependence of Reduced Model of SPM-Limited Dispersion-Managed Systems on Transmission Fiber Parameters
D. Fonseca, A. Cartaxo, and R. Luis (Portugal)
423-042 Impact of Electrical Equalization and Modulation Depth on Single Sideband Performance with Linear and Non-linear Transmission
D. Fonseca, P. Monteiro, A. Cartaxo, and J. Pedro (Portugal)
423-054 Performance Evaluation of a New DBA Algorithm Supporting Fairness and Priority for Ethernet-PON
S.-H. Jang and J.-W. Jang (Korea)
423-064 Demonstration of 4-Node 253Gchip/s Fast Frequency-Hopping Time-Spreading Optical CDMA with Differentiated Service Provisioning
V. Baby, P.R. Prucnal, C.-M. Bres, L. Xu, and I. Glesk (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $162.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $147.00 (Online) ;  $162.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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ISBN: 0-88986-403-9 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-411-X ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Optical Network Design And Management, WDM Systems, Optical Systems And Components.

This multi-conference was published as ONE proceeding, and includes the following three conferences: Communication Systems and Applications (CSA 2004), Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies (WNET 2004), Optical Communication Systems and Networks (OCSN 2004).

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