Human-Computer Interaction    (IASTED-HCI 2007)

March 14 – 16, 2007
Chamonix, France
Editor(s): D. Cunliffe
262 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Augmented Realities FreeSubscription
569-006 Visual Feedback for Starting Conversation
A. Kimura, M. Ihara, M. Kobayashi, Y. Manabe, and K. Chihara (Japan)
569-014 RSV: Sensor Data Viewer for Human-Robot Interaction
M. Nakamura, H. Kawashima, S. Satake, and M. Imai (Japan)
569-018 Remote Gesture Visualization for Efficient Distant Collaboration using Collocated Shared Interfaces
F. Coldefy and S. Louis-dit-Picard (France)
569-021 Proposal for an Automatic Cleaning Robot Operating in Conjunction with the Usage Status of Electrical Appliances
A. Miura, S. Kaneda, and H. Haga (Japan)
569-026 ChaTEL: A Novel Voice Communication System based on Analysing Multiple Topic Threads in Text-based Chat Conversations
K. Ogura, K. Nishimoto, and K. Sugiyama (Japan)
569-047 Coordination and Communication Protocols for Synchronous Groupware: A Formal Approach
J. Gallardo and C. Bravo (Spain)
569-053 VAM: Video Aided Modeling for Shape Reconstruction and Re-Design
A. Liverani, L. Carbone, and G. Caligiana (Italy)
569-056 Experimental Investigation of Relationships between Anxiety, Negative Attitudes, and Allowable Distance of Robots
T. Nomura, T. Shintani, K. Fujii, and K. Hokabe (Japan)
569-057 An Approach for Enabling the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality in Desktop Hybrid Interfaces
F. Gomes de Carvalho, A.B. Raposo, and M. Gattass (Brazil)
569-071 A Vision-based Architecture for Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction
C. King, X. Palathingal, Monica Nicolescu, and Mircea Nicolescu (USA)
569-072 Dangerous Situation Awareness Support System for Elderly People with Dementia
G. Tsuruma, H. Kanai, T. Nakada, and S. Kunifuji (Japan)
569-073 Recognizing and Displaying Surrounding Environments on a Low-Speed Intelligent Buggy
K. Kayama, I.E. Yairi, and S. Igi (Japan)
569-079 Human Computer Interfaces of a System for Robotic Heart Surgery
H. Mayer, I. Nagy, A. Knoll, E.U. Braun, and R. Bauernschmitt (Germany)
Track Interfaces and Applications FreeSubscription
569-012 An Advanced Pictorial Query Language to Query Urban and Rural Data on GIS
M. Rafanelli, F. Ferri, and P. Grifoni (Italy)
569-019 A Word Predictor for Inflected Languages: System Design and User-Centric Interface
C. Aliprandi, N. Carmignani, P. Mancarella, and M. Rubino (Italy)
569-029 Using Catalogue Browsing for Speech-based Interface to a Digital Library
Y. Dubinsky, T. Catarci, and S. Kimani (Italy)
569-033 Neva: A Conversational Agent based Interface for Library Information Systems
A. Ahad, B. Jung (Germany), and H. Prendinger (Japan)
569-039 The Cultural Issue of Graphic User Interface used in Software Packages
H.-F. Wang (Taiwan)
569-059 Personalised Acquisition of User Preferences in Smart Homes
E. Vildjiounaite and S. Kallio (Finland)
569-063 A Command Line Interface versus a Graphical User Interface in Coding VR Systems
T. Fellmann and M. Kavakli (Australia)
569-064 The Development of a Language Interface for 3D Scene Generation
X. Zeng (UK) and M. Tan (PRC)
569-075 Interactive Half-Mirror Display using Face Recognition and Touch Panel
N. Osawa and K. Asai (Japan)
569-083 Finding Information and Finding Locations in a Multimodal Interface: A Case Study of an Intelligent Kiosk
L. Kim, T.L. McCauley, M. Polkosky, S. D'Mello, S. Craig, and B. Nikiforova (USA)
569-086 A Camera-based Pointer with Visual Feedback
M. Ishihara and Y. Ishihara (Japan)
569-088 Selection based Myanmar Text Input Interfaces: Proposal of Dividing all Myanmar Characters into Six Groups
Y.K. Thu and Y. Urano (Japan)
569-089 A Framework for Integrated, Diagnosis Supporting Interface for Mammograms Description - Advantages and Pitfalls
T. Podsiadły-Marczykowska, A. Przelaskowski, A. Wróblewska, and P. Boninski (Poland)
569-090 Multifaceted User Interface to Support People with Special Needs
T. Hirotomi (Japan)
Track Design and Evaluation FreeSubscription
569-002 GUI Path Oriented Test Generation Algorithms
I. Alsmadi and K. Magel (USA)
569-013 Evaluation of Contactless Multimodal Pointing Devices
S. Carbini and J.E. Viallet (France)
569-020 Evolution of a Heuristic Evaluation Process at Bell Laboratories
C.L. Coyle, P.A. Santos, X.P. Kotval, and H. Vaughn (USA)
569-022 The Social Role of HCI: Social and Cultural Consequences of Design
M. Bøgesgaard and M. Schmidt-Petersen (Denmark)
569-027 Mobile Text Entry Metrics for Field Studies
M. Koivisto (Finland)
569-028 On the Importance of the User Interface for e-Learning Systems Quality
M.F. Costabile, R. Lanzilotti, and C. Ardito (Italy)
569-042 Evaluation of Information Visualizations vs. Language Proficiency
O. Thiele and D. Thoma (Germany)
569-065 Toward a Visual Formalism for Modeling Location and Token-based Interaction in Context-Aware Environments
Y. Dahl (Norway)
569-070 Prototyping Corporate User Interfaces - Towards a Visual Specification of Interactive Systems
T. Memmel, F. Gundelsweiler, and H. Reiterer (Germany)
569-076 Professional Probes: A Pleasurable Little Extra for the Participant's Work
A. Lucero (The Netherlands) and T. Mattelmäki (Finland)
569-078 Designing an Aural User Interface for Enhancing Spatial Conceptualization
S. Nomura, T. Utsunomiya, M. Tsuchinaga, T. Shiose, H. Kawakami, O. Katai (Japan), and K. Yamanaka (Brazil)
Track Mobile Applications FreeSubscription
569-043 A Usability Study of Nurses' Interaction with Tablet PC and PDA Nursing Documentation Applications
N.J. Rodríguez, J.A. Borges, G. Crespo, C. Pérez, C. Martinez, C.R. Colón-Rivera, and A. Ardín (Puerto Rico)
569-066 Extensible MMI System for Mobile Device
C.H. Lee and M. Huang (Taiwan)
569-068 Mobile Interaction and Future Developments in Mobile Phone User Interfaces
T. Kivikangas and A. Kaarna (Finland)
569-087 Probing the Need for Mobile Technologies for Designers
J. Muñoz Bravo, A. Lucero, and D. Aliakseyeu (The Netherlands)
569-800 Supporting the Notion of Seamlessness in Personal Content Management
S. Balandin, M. Björksten, J. Häkkilä, J. Jekkonen, K. Mäkelä, and K. Roimela (Finland)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $94.80 (Hardcopy) ;  $80.58 (Online) ;  $94.80 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $94.80
Online Edition $80.58
CD Edition $94.80
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-654-6 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-655-3 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Analysis, Design, and Evaluation Methods * Artificial Intelligence and Agents * Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) * Computer-based Learning * Devices and Display Systems, Tools, and Interaction Techniques * Ecological Interfaces * Education about HCI * Experience Design * Formal Methods in HCI * Graphical User Interfaces * Groupware Interfaces * Guidelines and Design Heuristics * Societal Implications of HCI * HCI Case Studies * HCI in Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Contexts * HCI Theories, Methods, and Practice * Intelligent Systems * Interaction Design for People with Disabilities * Interaction through Wireless Communication Networks * Interfaces for Restricted Environments * Internationalization and Implications of Culture on Design * Non-Verbal Interfaces * Perceptual and Adaptive User Interfaces * Psychological Aspects of HCI * Speech and Natural Language Interfaces * Support for Creativity and Learning * Theoretical Foundations of HCI * Universal Access and Usability * Usability Engineering * Usability Testing * User Interface Development * User Interface Software Tools, Architectures, and Technologies * User Modelling and Adaptation * User Profiling and Individual Differences between Users * User Support Systems * Virtual and Augmented Reality * Visions of HCI in the Future * Visual Programming.

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